
  1. King, T. R., Quigley, M., Clark, D., Zondervan, A., May, J.‐H., Alimanovic, A. (2021). Paleoseismology of the 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake source: implications for intraplate earthquake behaviour and the geomorphic longevity of bedrock fault scarps in a low strain‐rate cratonic region. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
  2. Yang, H., Quigley, M. and King, T. (2020). Surface slip distributions and geometric complexity of intraplate reverse-faulting earthquakes. GSA Bulletin.
  3. Stirling, M.W., Oskin, M.E., Arrowsmith, J.R., Rood, A.H., Goulet, C.A., Grant Ludwig, L., King, T.R., Kottke, A., Lozos, J.C., Madugo, C.M. and McPhillips, D. (2021). Evaluation of Seismic Hazard Models with Fragile Geologic Features. Seismological Society of America, 92(1), pp.314-324.
  4. Attanayake, J., King, T.R., Quigley, M.C., Gibson, G., Clark, D., Jones, A., and Sandiford, M. (2019). Rupture Characteristics and the Structural Control of the 2016 Mwp 6.1 Intraplate Earthquake in the Petermann Ranges, Australia. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110 (3), 1037–1045.
  5. King, T.R., Quigley, M., Clark, D., (2019). Surface-rupturing historical earthquakes in Australia and their environmental effects: new insights from re-analyses of observational data. Geosciences, 9, 1-34.
  6. Gold, R., Clark, D., Barnhart, W., King, T.R., Quigley, M., Briggs, R., (2019). Surface rupture and distributed deformation revealed by optical satellite imagery: The intraplate 2016 Mw 6.0 Petermann Ranges earthquake, Australia. Geophysical Research Letters.
  7. Quigley, M.C., Jimenez, A., Duffy, B., King, T.R., (2019). Physical and Statistical Behavior of Multifault Earthquakes : Darfield Earthquake Case Study , New Zealand. Journal of Geophysical Research Letters, 125;5, 4788-4810.
  8. King, T.R., Quigley, M.C., Clark, D., (2018). Earthquake environmental effects produced by the Mw 6.1, 20th May 2016 Petermann earthquake, Australia. Tectonophysics, 747–748, 357–372.

PhD Thesis

  1. Geologic expressions of faulting and earthquake strong ground motions in intraplate bedrock terrains;

Pre-prints & method papers

  1. King, T. R., Quigley, M., Clark, D., Valkaniotis, S., Mohammadi, H., Barnhart, W. D. (2019). The 1987 to 2019 Tennant Creek, Australia, earthquake sequence: a protracted intraplate multi-mainshock sequence. EarthArXiv.
  2. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 2nd June 1979 Mw 6.1 Cadoux surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  3. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 10th March 1970 Mw 5.0 Calingiri surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  4. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 30th March 1986 Mw 5.7 Marryat Creek surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  5. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 14th October 1968 Mw 6.6 Meckering surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  6. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 20th May 2016 Mw 6.1 Petermann surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  7. King, T. R., Quigley, M., & Clark, D. (2019). Review paper: The 23rd March 2012 Mw 5.2 Pukatja surface rupturing earthquake, Australia. EarthArXiv.
  8. Quigley, M., Jiménez, A., Duffy, B., and King.T.R., (2018). An Investigation of Multi-fault Rupture Scenarios Using a Variety of Coulomb Stress Modelling Criteria: Methods Paper and Full Results. EarthArXiv.